
Showing posts from July, 2017

Introduction to SSL/TLS - Visiting Legitimate & Safe Websites

Hello , It is nice to see you again and I'd like to welcome you to my second post on the series of cyberSecurity . If however you're visiting this post directly & not from a technical IT background , I'd recommend you to visit my earlier post on the following link to understand this article in better way. Unlike the last post , this post is for people having little bit of technical understanding. But don't loose hope if you're not from IT domain. Because I'm going to write this in as simple terms as possible to understand. But I can assure you , after reading this blog , you'll find yourself much satisfied knowing some technical bits of how to identify a legitimate website be it your Social Websites (Facebook/Twitter etc) or be it your banking website . We have lots of things to cover , so lets not waste any more time and jump into the main content. FIrs...

ISIM/ITIM Custom Operational Workflow Guide

You can create custom workflow in IBM Security/Tivoli identity manager . I understand there is not much well guide available in Internet for newbies in ISIM area. Hence writing this up to help to you to understand how it works & how to write one . The workflow requirement is simple : whenever a specific type of account(Lets say LDAP/AD account) is requested for any user , for a specific Role lets say Manager , an notification email will be triggered by ISIM to HR/RMG group DL(Email Distribution List) . Lets say here the RMG Email Group DL : There are 2 way , it can be achieved . 1> by modifying the Operational Workflow for create account(For AD/LDAP) 2> by creating new account request Workflow & use the workflow in the AD/LDAP Provisioning Policy . We're working here on ISIMv6.0. So the class being used might be deprecated as well , so based on your version , please Google using " ISIM JS Extension" and see t...

Security of the Present & Challenges for the Future (For Mobile Users)

Hi, Welcome again to my blog. This is my second blog-post ,but it is entirely on different topic from the last one. It's on the topic of interest , which earns me bread & butter for last almost 6 years . "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." --  Albert Einstein As the Quote says, let me first clarify , that this posts is for anyone & everyone who understands basic English . You need not to know any Information Technology Terms to read & understand the below post. However the future linked post will be categorized for different people differently ,based on their knowledge on IT & I'd make the categorization clear at the start of the Posts . We already know, the pace ,technology is expanding it's grasps/spaces in our daily life is un-matching. As an example , We see evolution of mobile technologies growing as fast as never before . And its not only in the telecommunication sector but the technol...

An Adventure to The Royal Kingdom of Bhutan

A view of Haa Valley  “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta First of All ,  A Warm Welcome for Visiting this Blog Post . I'd like you to take through a mesmerizing & Adventurous Journey through Bhutan as we've done Last year. Hopefully this post will be your Guide & will also help you to get required details & Contacts for your upcoming Journey to Bhutan. I could've written it as "A Trip to Bhutan" but it was more of an Adventure for us . A Journey which may be we'll remember our whole Life , because it was a trip with Whole Uncertainty  from the Start till the End . Take some moment to Read the below as a Story or As a Guide, if you're planning to Visit Bhutan by Your Own as well. Okay , Let's Start the Journey !! It was end of December 2015 , when Me & One of my friend(Snehasish) took a Bus (From Dharmatola Bus Depot) to Bhutan all of a Sudden in hope to Visit to Bhu...